For many children (and parents) starting swim lessons can be both an exciting and daunting experience. Here are some tips to help make lessons less stressful and more fun.
Start With The Right Gear
Making sure your child is decked out with the right equipment is important. A quality pair of goggles will not only help them see under water, it will also make them feel more comfortable.
Tie back hair or use a swim cap to keep your child’s hair out of their face. Board shorts and oversized rash vests will weigh your child down and make it difficult for them to kick correctly, especially on their back.
If they are in the Goldfish level and above, students will need to have a pair of fins organised before the start of their lesson.
Safety First
Swim school rules are in place for the safety and comfort of all customers so please follow them. Please supervise your child before and after lessons and teach them not to run near the pool or enter the water before being told to do so.
Arrive Early, Stress Less
There’s nothing worse than the feeling of knowing you’re running late for something. Try to arrive at the pool about 10-15 minutes before the lesson. This gives you a chance to relax, de-stress and do all those last minute things (like going to the bathroom or wiping that runny nose) before the lesson starts.
Try Not To Distract Your Child
We encourage you to support your child while they’re learning to swim. But it’s important to remember that during the lesson, the teacher needs your child’s full attention.
Have Fun
Swimming lessons are an important part of your child’s development, but it’s equally important that they enjoy their lessons. So relax and remember to have some fun.